Overcoming current limitations of color definition and color reproduction in design and industrial production: How to solve the conflicts between human perception and numeric spectral values by multispectral technology
There is a continuous conflict between creatives, who rely on visual assessments only, and people in industrial production, requiring spectral values as a reference. Spectral measurements stemming from spectral photometers entail insurmountable problems: 1. Their "mono"-spectral technology does not allow measurement of complex, colour-patterned surfaces. If their aperture covers several colours, the spectral sensor determines the average remission instead of distinct spectra – one per colour. 2. A "mono"-spectral numeric value does not provide a colour correct picture which human's brain needs for interpreting the interaction of colours of a design. Influences such as contrasts in colour and brightness of patterns affect human’s perception greatly. A multispectral dataset represents a color correct image whose single pixels stand for a spectral value each. Therefore, it incorporates visual access to a sample as well as a measured proof. This means it links human perception with objective proof of colour. The multispectral technology is solving these conflicts by obtaining relevant information for creative and producing people in one dataset.